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Table of Contents

Seeing is Believing and Achieving: Viewing the Eucharist in Malory’s ‘Sankgreal’ 3

Sarah B. Rude

Kynde in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight 28

Evelyn Reynolds

The Two Shoulders of Arthur: Late Antiquity and the Battle List 53

Edwin Pace

‘A Kind of Vessel to Carry on the Idea’: Frustrated Taxonomies of Adaptation in T.H. White’s The Once and Future King 79

Elly McCausland

The Round Table: News from the North American Branch 100



Rebecca Krug, Margery Kempe and the Lonely Reader 114

Julie Orlemanski

Shayne Aaron Legassie, The Medieval Invention of Travel 115

Anna Wilson

Julia Marvin, The Construction of Vernacular History in the Anglo-Norman Prose Brut Chronicle 117

Matthew Fisher

Ingrid Nelson, Lyric Tactics: Poetry, Genre, and Practice in Later Medieval England 118

Carol E. Harding

Russell A. Peck and R.F. Yeager, eds., John Gower: Others and the Self 119

John M. Bowers