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Table of Contents


Translation and Power in Lawman’s Brut 3

Hannah M. Weaver

‘Culhwch and Olwen’: Welsh Giants and Social Identity 24

Lisa LeBlanc

Politics and Horsemanship in Chrétien de Troyes’ Erec et Enide 37

Cynthia Jenéy

Sitting on the Sidelines: Disability in Malory 66

Kristina Hildebrand



Rebecca A. Umland, Outlaw Heroes as Liminal Figures of Film and Television 81

Alan Baragona

Richard Utz, Medievalism: A Manifesto 83

Andrew B.R. Elliott

Sylvia Huot, Outsiders: The Humanity and Inhumanity of Giants in Medieval French Prose Romance 85
Joan McRae

Jeffrey Jerome Cohen, Stone: An Ecology of the Inhuman 87

Alfred Kentigern Siewers

James M. Dean and Harriet Spiegel, eds., Geoffrey Chaucer, Troilus and Criseyde 88

Karla Taylor