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Table of Contents


Introduction 3

Kenneth Tiller

Arthur and the Giant of Mont St. Michel in Laȝamon’s Brut: Exposing the Fragility of Kingship 5

Hwanhee Park

Prophecy and the Body of the King in Laȝamon’s Account of Arthur’s Dream (Brut 13984–14004) 22

Kenneth Tiller

Myth, Marriage, and Dynastic Crisis in Laȝamon’s Brut 41

John P. Brennan

Arthur and Possibility: The Philosophy of Laȝamon’s Arthuriad 60

Joseph Parry

‘an Arður sculde ȝete cum’: The Prophetic Hope in Twelfth-Century Britain 76

Daniel Helbert

‘Ure Bruttisce speche’: Language, Culture, and Conquest in Laȝamon’s Brut 108

Jacqueline M. Burek

Diplomatic Antiquarianism and the Manuscripts of Laȝamon’s Brut 124

Stephen M. Yeager

Astronomy Translated: Caput Draconis and the Pendragon Star in Geoffrey of Monmouth,
Wace, and Laȝamon 141

Elizabeth J. Bryan

A Note on the Grail 164

Geoffrey Ashe


Winner of the ‘Fair Unknown’ Award

Arthur’s Dinner; Or, Robert Thornton Goes Shopping 165

Jennifer Bartlett

The Round Table: News from the IAS-NAB 180



Gloria Allaire, ed. and trans., Il Tristano Corsiniano 199

Juliann Vitullo

Elizabeth Archibald and David F. Johnson, eds., Arthurian Literature XXXI 200

Carl Grey Martin

Hartman von Aue, Erec, ed. and trans. Cyril Edwards 202

Scott E. Pincikowski

Nicholas Perkins, ed., Medieval Romance and Material Culture 204

Kristin L. Burr

E.L. Risden, Tolkien's Intellectual Landscape 205

Christopher A. Snyder

Ulrich von Zatzikhoven, Lanzelet, ed. and trans. Kathleen J. Meyer 207

Patrick M. McConeghy